You imagine it

 We build it

You use it


We create digital products and services that deliver sustainable, profitable growth for the world's most ambitious companies and institutions.

We build custom software to help save operating cost by automating business processes and lowering errors

Business process automation refers to the use of technology to execute recurring tasks or processes in an organization where manual effort can be replaced. It is done to minimize costs, increase efficiency, and streamline processes.

Our Values

We are highly skilled professionals with experience in business process design, process automation and custom software design, development, and support

Our Strong Focus Area

Windows Application Development.

We are a custom software development solution company that helps businesses and institutions stay competitive through modern platforms and digital apps that are automated, integrated, useful, and reusable. Do you want to automate a manual task or processes on Windows Desktop PC, we got you all covered.


What we have created

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HisGrace Gestio RPS is a School Results Management Software designed for Pre-primary, Primary, Secondary/High Schools that manages students’ score data and generate computerized results.

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HisGrace CBT Exam Software is an examination software designed for schools to create and conduct Computer Based Test for students.

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Gestio HAC is a bill and account management software designed for Primary and Secondary / High School. It is a highly featured software that helps school administrators to manage the inflow and outflow of monies.

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What our customers say


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