It streamlines the process of creating, conducting, and evaluating clinical skills assessments with ease.
It offers an intuitive interface that facilitates the creation of OSCE stations, management of exam settings, and efficient processing of results.
- Multiple Choices with Single Answer
- Multiple Choices with Multiple Answers
- Fill in the Blanks
Develop OSCE stations using built-in tools or import content from other applications like MS Word, ensuring that formatting and content integrity are maintained.
Automatically assesses and generates results for each station, providing immediate feedback to examinees and examiners.
Examinees can resume their examinations when there is power/system failure
Easily import and merge examinations questions created by multiple users into one exam module
Create questions with essay / comprehension passages with ease.
Develop stations in various languages, including English, French, Arabic, and Hebrew.
Effortlessly assign specific roles and login credentials to examinees and examiners.
Import content from MS Word and Excel. Templates for station creation can be exported for easy setup.
Create detailed scenarios with patient interactions, clinical tasks, and structured marking schemes.
Inspect stations for issues such as incomplete question answers, instructions or missing assessment criteria.
Print Examinations questions and answer options.
Answer option types such as
A, B, C…
A, B, D,…
Easily add explanation to answers for the examinee to view after exam
Perform detailed analysis of examinee performance across stations, identifying strengths and areas for improvement.
Export examinee data, including performance summaries, to MS Excel for further analysis.
Automatically creates backup of your question files in case of data corruption.
Set time limits for each station and manage transitions between stations seamlessly.
Create and customize questions for OSCE stations with marking criteria. Assign examinees and examiners to the stations and configure exam settings.
Manages and monitor examinations in real time from server. It has features of remotely controlling and monitoring examinees’ activities.