HisGrace CBT Examination Software

An Examination management software

HisGrace CBT Exam Software is an examination software designed for schools to create and conduct Computer Based Test for students.

It has an easy to setup applications with intuitive user interface that helps in creating examination questions, conduct examinations and manage the results of the examination or test.

It has the unique capability to suit your needs either a server-controlled examination or a server-less examination.


Answer Types

- Multiple Choices with Single Answer
- Multiple Choices with Multiple Answers
- Fill in the Blanks

Create Questions with Ease

Create questions with available tools or copy and paste any content such as equation, images, symbols, tables from any application (e.g MS Word) and maintain its formatting.

Instant Examination Result

Marks Examination and display results instantly for the examinee.

Resume Examination

Examinees can resume their examinations when there is power/system failure

Import Questions

Easily import and merge examinations questions created by multiple users into one exam module

Comprehension / Essay

Create questions with essay / comprehension passages with ease.

Multilingual Questions

Type your questions in any language such as English, French, Arabic, Hebrew, etc

Assign Subjects and Login Details to Examinees

Assign different subjects to different examinees. Assign examinees’ login details with ease.

Import Questions

Import questions from Microsoft Word and Excel. You can get the template to use by exporting the template through the Exam Maker

Export Examination Scripts

Exports the questions, answers and score summary of the examination done by examination candidates to PDF.

Inspect Questions

Inspect and get statistics of questions with issues such as questions with no answer, empty answer options, etc.

Print Questions

Print Examinations questions and answer options.

Answer option types

Answer option types such as
A, B, C…
A, B, D,…

Answer Explanation

Easily add explanation to answers for the examinee to view after exam

Results Analysis

Detailed analysis of examinees’ results such as number of questions attempted, number of questions wrongly answered, average percentage, etc

Export Data

Export data with ease. Data such as examinees’ results by subjects or examinees to MS Excel, etc.

Question File Autobackup

Automatically creates backup of your question files in case of data corruption.

Time Limit

Set time limit for examinations

Why Choose HisGrace CBT Software?

CBT Applications

HisGrace Exam Maker

Creates and produce examination questions based on subjects. Add examinees to the examination to be taken and define the examination settings.

HisGrace Examiner

This is a two purposed application. It primarily conducts examinations for the examinees by allowing the examinees to log in and write examinations. It also has the capability to manage server-less examinations where a local network infrastructure is not available.

HisGrace ExaminerX

Manages and monitor examinations in real time from server. It has features of remotely controlling and monitoring examinees’ activities.

Difference Between HisGrace Examiner and HisGrace ExaminerX

HisGrace Examiner


Per Computer
30 days
  • Upload exam modules to each computer through external means such as removable drives
  • No network is needed to conduct examinations
  • Check Examinees Results
  • View Examinees Answers
  • Unsubmit/Resubmit Examination
  • Clear Examination Results
  • Activate / Deactivate Examination Modules
  • Live Updates and Status of Connected Examinees’ activities
  • View number of active connections
  • Pause / Resume Examination Time Remotely
  • Log out Examinee Remotely
  • Capture Examinees’ Screen remotely
  • Capture Examinees’ Face via attached webcam remotely
  • Send toast notification messages to connected PCs
  • Shutdown / Restart Examinee PC Remotely

HisGrace ExaminerX


Per Connection
30 days
  • Upload exam modules once since it’s the server
  • A local network must be available to conduct examinations
  • Check Examinees Results
  • View Examinees Answers
  • Unsubmit/Resubmit Examination
  • Clear Examination Results
  • Activate / Deactivate Examination Modules
  • Live Updates and Status of Connected Examinees’ activities
  • View number of active connections
  • Pause / Resume Examination Time Remotely
  • Log out Examinee Remotely
  • Capture Examinees’ Screen remotely
  • Capture Examinees’ Face via attached webcam remotely
  • Send toast notification messages to connected PCs
  • Shutdown / Restart Examinees' PC Remotely


System Requirements

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I set up the server-controlled CBT?

There are two options. You can either use a web browser for the examination candidates or the HisGrace Examiner application. First, install HisGrace ExaminerX on the computer to be used as server and Upload the exam modules on the server. Then, to use the HisGrace Examiner application, install HisGrace Examiner to all computers to be used by examinees/examination candidates for writing the exams. Login as admin, configure the connection to be in server mode and add server IP via the settings menu. Make sure the computers are the same network. To use the web browser, you can change the settings on the ExaminerX, then input the IP Address and the port number into the Address bar of the web browser.

How do I set up the server-less CBT?

Install HisGrace Examiner on all the computers and upload the exam module to each computer

What kind of network infrastructure is best?

Any type be it LAN or Wireless Network with high speed is good enough. You can contact an engineer for further advice in setting up your network.

What is the maximum number of computers that can be connected to the server?

You can connect as many as you want depending on the strength of your network and server PC. Moreover, it's advisable to test run this before purchasing.

I don't have any network infrastructure?

You can opt in for the server less CBT or set up a local network on your computers.

What is exam module?

Exam module contains examination questions, settings, and examinees. It is published through HisGrace Exam Maker.

How do I create examination questions and module?

HisGrace Exam Maker is needed to create examination questions and modules

What are the limitations in trial mode?

You can test the whole CBT Softwares to any length. The only limitation is examination duration which is limited to five (5) minutes for each test.

How many examinees can take examination on a licensed Compuuter?

It is unlimited.

Do I need to activate the license key to all computers to be used for examinations?

If you prefer the server-controlled CBT, you only need to activate the license key on one computer which is the server (HisGrace ExaminerX). If you prefer the server-less CBT, you will have to activate the license key on each of the computers to be used to conduct examinations (HisGrace Examiner).

Can I use the same license key for the server-less application (HisGrace Examiner) and the server-controlled application (HisGrace ExaminerX)?

No you cannot use the same license key. They are licensed differently.

Is the license key transferrable?

No, the license is not transferrable to another PC once it is activated

How do I subscribe?

You can Click the Subscribe button on the License window through the Application or Click the Subscribe button at the Licensing Section above.

What is the cost of this software

The Server-controlled examination costs $1.20 per connection for 30 days, while the Server-less examination costs $1 per computer for 30 days.

Do I need an internet connection to conduct examinations?

Only local network (intranet) is required. While internet connection is only required for the activation of license.

I have other questions

Do not hesitate to fill this form or start a WhatsApp chat with us and we will try to reply you within 24 hours.

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The default username and password is admin